
Category: 1940s

1940s Fashion, 1940s Photo, 1940s History 

The Bomb Girls Of Scarborough, Ontario Canada-As Seen Thru Vintage Photographs from the 1940s

GECO (General Engineering Company of Canada)Canada’s biggest WWII munitions plant — which employed over 21,000 Canadians, predominantly women courageously working with high explosives around the clock (Source).

Note: Scarborough for those who are not from Ontario is just East of Toronto and is part of the GTA (Greater Toronto Area). By car it would take me around 30-40 mins to get to their location from my home.

Liz June 2024 Update: I recently attended an event with other Toronto Vintage Society ladies, for the Bomb Girls Legacy Foundation as they unveiled memorial banners that will will fly along Eglinton Avenue East between Warden and Pharmacy Avenues. It was fantastic! Scroll to the end to see some of the photos from the day.

1940s Vintage photo of Bomb Girls in ontario Canada. Performing an ammunition quality inspection, GECO munitions factory, Scarborough, c. 1943. Courtesy of the Hamilton Family.
Performing an ammunition quality inspection, GECO munitions factory, Scarborough, c. 1943. Courtesy of Heritage Toronto

The Bomb Girls Of Scarborough, Ontario Canada

High Level Summary of Life at GECO

A woman measuring piece of munitions at the General Engineering Company 1940s vintage photo from Archives of Ontario

1943 photo of a woman measuring piece of munitions at the General Engineering Company. Source: Archives of Ontario

GECO was a shell filling factory – empty shells were sent to GECO, and its workers would have the dangerous task of turning them into explosives, and shipping them overseas.  The workforce comprised mainly young women with no factory experience, and at times, no work experience at all. Dubbed “Munitionettes,” “Fusiliers,” or “Bomb Girls”, they had a half day’s training and took a secrecy oath before being put to work. 

An estimated 21,000 people worked at the factory during its four years of operation, creating a unique community. The company had its own newspaper, called the GECO Fusilier, and for $1 a year workers could join the GECOcites Recreation Club which hosted softball games and built a mini-putt green and a lawn bowling area. There were sold out monthly dances, Victory bond drives and gardens, talent shows, and bingo was so popular that they had to stagger seatings. Workers took breaks in a massive 2000 seat cafeteria where the kitchen served 3000 meals a day, and an annual Christmas dinner of 400 turkeys. With the help of a Canadian Government incentive, the factory even provided childcare for working mothers (Source).

Working in the GECO munitions factory, Scarborough, 1940. Courtesy of Heritage Toronto
Working in the GECO munitions factory, Scarborough, 1940. Courtesy of Heritage Toronto

Some of what we are going to see today, includes pages from the factory newspaper, “GECO Fusilier.” In addition to photographs of women working with munitions, there are pictures of leisure activities in the 1940s, wartime nurseries, clothing recycling during WWII, fashion of the era, pin-up girls, and beauty pageants.

Special thank you to the Archives of Ontario for uploading this fantastic images! Can’t wait to see more.

Let’s see what life was like at GECO!

Vintage Photos of 1940’s Life at GECO

Mary Pickford posing with a group of employees during her visit to the General Engineering Company 1940s vintage photo
Mary Pickford posing with a group of employees during her visit to GECO-June 5th, 1943.

Clothing salvage centre at the GECO munitions factory-1943. I love the 1940s fashions in this photo! From the hats, the dresses, the little girls dress to the Simplicity sewing patterns on the mantel, it’s all wonderful!

1940s Vintage Photo of Clothing salvage centre at the General Engineering Company (Canada) munitions factory

Two adorable children at the war time nursery-1943.

Having a daycare / nursery was a must at GECO with nobody at home to watch the children.

Two Black children at a war time nursery at the General Engineering Company (Canada) munitions factory-1940s vintage photo

A young girl all dressed up playing the accordion for the kids in the nursery -1943. I love accordions so I just had to add it!

Girl playing the accordion at a war time nursery at the General Engineering Company (Canada) munitions factory. 1940s vintage photo

Miss War Worker GECO Finals” (to pick the ladies who will go into the main competition)-1942.

ABOUT: On July 18, 1942, more than 100 contestants from Canada’s major military manufacturing plants vied for the title of “Miss War Worker.” The winner, Dorothy Linham, starred in a Palmolive Soap advertisement (Source). The purpose was to keep spirits up and let everyone have a bit of fun.

Further Reading: Vintage Canadian Beauty Pageants

Miss War Worker Finals" - "Fusilier July 18th, 1942. Image features a group of women in their factory outfits standing in line to be judged.

Group photo of the GECO Miss War Worker Content Contestants-1942.

Group photo of the GECO Miss War Worker Content Contestants-1940s Vintage Photo

Let the Miss War Worker Contest Begin! Go GECO!

1940s Vintage Photo of the Miss War Worker Contest in Toronto, Canada

The Final 3 of the Miss War Worker 1942 Contest. GECO made it into the Top 3. Yay!

YOOZA!!!! Who knew that factory uniforms could look so darn fantastic?!

The Finalists of the Miss War Worker 1942 Contest. 1940s Vintage Photo of a WW2 Beauty Contest

Our ladies of GECO posed for Pinup photos in 1943. Here are some of the images…

1940s Vintage Photo of a young woman from GECO Munitions factory in 1940s fashion.
1940s Vintage Photo of a young woman from GECO Munitions factory in 1940s fashion.
1940s Vintage Photo of a young woman from GECO Munitions factory in 1940s fashion.

I just found out about a month ago that the lovely lady posing below, is the mother of one of my swing dancing friends! How cool!

1940s Vintage Photo of a young woman from GECO Munitions factory in 1940s fashion. She is dressed a pinup sailor

Fans of 1940s Hairstyles will love our GECO lady with the hair flower (I know I do!).

Further Reading: A Vintage Guide to 1940s Hair Accessories

1940s Hairstyles as seen on a headshot of a woman factory worker at GECO

1940s Vintage of a group of integrated ladies swing dancing together by the Jukebox in 1940s fashions (spot the Saddle Shoes!!).

1940s vintage photo of Black Women and White Women sharing a dance floor together in 1940s fashions and swing dancing.

Fun at the Bowling Alley! So many wonderful 1940s hairstyles on display.

1940s Vintage Photo of Workers from Geco Munitions factory at a bowling alley . Super 1940s Fashions

What a great group of photos! Now here a few pages from the GECO company magazine, “Fusilier Magazine”- Vol. 1 No. 2 Cover (April 11th, 1942).

1940s Vintage Magazine from GECO featuring a cartoon talking about the War work women did during WW2 in Canada.

Here is the article from the Fusilier (August 1, 1942) on K. Russel from GECO who made it into the finals ouf the Miss War Worker contest. She tied for 4th and received a beautiful pen and pencil set. Congrats! See more magazine pages at the Archives of Ontario HERE.

1940s Vintage Magazine 1940s Vintage Newspaper from GECO talking about the Beauty Contest Finalist a war worker from GECO

For a longer history lesson of the women of GECO, I will encourage you to read Barbara Dickson book (& visit her website) “Bomb GirlsTrading Aprons for Ammo“. Barbara has interviewed many women that worked at this plant and documented their stories and images. Its a fantastic read!

If you are on Facebook, check out the page “Bomb Girls of Scarborough“. It’s also a gold mine of fantastic images and stories of these amazing women keeping the boys overseas safe while doing their work for the WW2 Homefront.

Share what your favorite photos were in the comment section below.

Bomb Girls of Scarborough memorial banner event June 2024 featuring the Toronto Vintage Society in 1940s fashions with the author of Bomb Girls-Trading Aprons for Ammo, Barbara Dickson.
TVS with the author of Bomb Girls-Trading Aprons for Ammo, Barbara Dickson

June 2024 Bomb Girls of Scarborough event:

As mentioned at the start of this post, I recently attended an event in Scarborough to unveil memorial banners that will fly in Scarborough around where GECO was. It was a super event where we saw videos and photos of these amazing women and men and even met a living Bomb Girl (102)! More to come on the foundation but in the meantime enjoy these photos from that day.

Bomb Girls of Scarborough memorial banner event June 2024 featuring the Toronto Vintage Society in 1940s fashions

This is the families of some of the Canadian women and men who worked at the GECO plant making ammunition during WW2. There is even ONE ORIGINAL BOMB GIRL in the front row (in the wheelchair & image below with the cake).

This is the families of some of the Canadian women and men who worked at the GECO plant making ammunition during WW2. There is even ONE ORIGINAL BOMB GIRL in the front row (in the wheelchair).
Bomb Girls of Scarborough memorial banner event June 2024
Bomb Girls of Scarborough memorial banner event June 2024. The women in front of the cake is an original Bomb Girl at 102.


Thanks for dropping by!


The Beautiful Covers of Vintage Sheet Music from the 1940s

I don’t know about you, but I love vintage sheet music from the 1920s thru to the 1940s because the imagery on the cover is always so eye catching. Even if you can’t play a single note, they make great artwork to hang on your wall and display. My plan with the few I own is to do just that, because they are just too beautiful to be kept closed up in an album.

For today’s post I have joined forces with Ottawa Vintage Dealer, PFTPAntiqueSales on Etsy to showcase some of their stunning collection of 1940s Vintage Sheet Music they have for sale in their shop (over 700!)

Let’s take a look at some of my favorite covers (I have also added video links to hear the tunes) and don’t forget to comment at the end what your favs were!

1941 Sheet Music "Daddy" by Bob Troup.
1941 Sheet Music “Daddy” by Bob Troup

Disclosure: Some of the links on my blog from Etsy are Affiliate Links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. 

NOTE: If you click on any of the items featured below and they are not available, don’t fret! Hit the search button and see what else is on Etsy.

Vintage Sheet Music from the 1940s

Sheet music from the musicals that were shown in movie theatres, were a popular purchase during the 1940s (so you are going to see a few in this post). Take home and sing / play your favorite song!

I love this tropical look for the 1942 Sheet Music, “Sing Me a Song of the Islands” from the movie with Betty Grable & Victor Mature.

1942 Sheet Music, "Sing Me a Song of the Islands" from the movie with Betty Grable & Victor Mature

Hear Betty Grable sing you to sleep below (Video Link for those viewing this via email).

I don’t know if there is any song that the Andrew Sisters sang that was not an instant hit. For instance, the sheet music for the 1941 song, “I’ll Be With You In Apple Blossom Time” went to # 5 in the US charts.

1941 Sheet Music "I'll Be With You In Apple Blossom Time" with the Andrews Sisters

Apple Blossom Time’ was said to put soldiers in tears. Here’s a clip of from that great Abbott & Costello 1941 movie ‘Buck Privates’ with Patty leading the sisters in the famous tune (Video Link).

1940 Sheet Music “Blueberry Hill” words and music by Al Lewis, Larry Stock, Vincent Rose.

“Blueberry Hill” is a popular song published in 1940, best remembered for its 1950s rock and roll version by Fats Domino. The music was written by Vincent Rose, the lyrics by Larry Stock and Al Lewis. It was recorded six times in 1940 (Source).

1940 Sheet Music "Blueberry Hill" words and music by Al Lewis, Larry Stock, Vincent Rose

The first recording of Blueberry Hill featuring the Sammy Kaye Orchestra with vocals by Tommy Ryan, released on May 31, 1940 (Video Link).

And now here is the famous Fats Domino version (Video Link)! Which version did you like best?

I LOVE Glenn Miller and I LOVE a good “Moonlight Cocktail”, so this 1942 sheet music is perfect fit for me!

Fun fact about Liz…I walked down the aisle on my wedding day to ‘Moonlight Serenade” by Glenn Miller. I think it’s one of the most romantic songs on the planet!

1942 Sheet Music "Moonlight Cocktail" Introduced by Glenn Miller and his orchestra.

Glenn Miller & His Orchestra With Chorus – Moonlight Cocktail 1942 (Video Link).

1941 Sheet Music for “Bell Bottom Trousers”.

“Bell Bottom Trousers” is a reworking of a folksong “Rosemary Lane”. A sea shanty version has bawdy lyrics, but a clean version of the tune was written in 1944 for modern audiences by bandleader Moe Jaffe (Source).

1941 Sheet Music for "Bell Bottom Trousers" featuring an illustration of 1940s sailors

Check out Guy Lombardo’s Version below (Video Link).

I have blogged about Ina Ray Hutton before because she is so darn fantastic! And here is the 1943 Sheet Music for”What’s the Good Word, Mr. Bluebird” with Ina Ray Hutton on the cover. Love it!

Further Reading: The Blonde Bombshell of Rhythm-Ina Ray Hutton

1943 Sheet Music for"What's the Good Word, Mr. Bluebird" with Ina Ray Hutton on the cover

Sadly, I could not find an Ina Ray version of this song (insert sad face), so here is Betty Bradley singing this fun little tune (Video link).

1942 Sheet Music “Cow Cow Boogie” From the Waltz Lantz Swing Symphony. This cover makes me giggle, it’s so darn cute!

1942 Sheet Music "Cow Cow Boogie" From the Waltz Lantz Swing Symphony

Here is a version by Ella Mae Morse for your enjoyment (Video Link).

Further Reading: Women of the Big Band Era Everyone Should Know-PART 3

1945 sheet music for “It’s a Grand Night for Singing”, from Rodgers & Hammerstein’s “State Fair”.

Who else loves State Fair as much as me? I LOVE this movie so much and it was one of the reasons why I fell in love with 1940s fashions (they are so dreamy in this film).

1945 choice of sheet music from Rodgers & Hammerstein's "State Fair"

Enjoy hearing this beautiful song being sung in this clip from the movie (Video Link).

1946 Sheet Music “Shoo-Fly Pie and Apple Pan Dowdy” featured by Bert Pearl a CBC (Canadian Broadcast Corporation) Artist.

The reasons why I love this sheet music: First up, I love this song for Lindy Hopping too. It’s a cute and fun song to play around on the dance floor with. Secondly, Bert our featured artists is Canadian! And boy does he look innocent haha.

Can any of my Canadian fans confirm if this is the same Bert from the CBC ‘Happy Gang’ radio show?

1946 Sheet Music "Shoo-Fly Pie and Apple Pan Dowdy" featured by Bert Pearl a CBC (Canadian Broadcast Corporation) Artist

No Bert version avail, so here is Bing Crosby and The Charioteers, 1946 version (Video Link).

I’m going to end today’s post with 1940 Sheet Music for “The Woodpecker Song” featured by Glenn Miller and his Orchestra. I spent the weekend at our friends campground and all I heard was woodpeckers pecking away at the trees. It was quite fun to hear!

1940 Sheet Music "The Woodpecker Song" featured by Glenn Miller and his orchestra.

The Woodpecker Song by Glenn Miller & his Orchestra, vocal by Marion Hutton (Video Link).

Happy Shopping and if you all enjoyed this post, please share what your favorite cover and song was in the comments section below.

Further Reading:
