
Tag: 1950’s

Rock ‘n’ Roll Pins. A 1950s Trend?

Last night I was strolling thru Etsy trying to do some shopping for VIVA and I stumbled upon this amazing item for sale…

Rock ‘n’ Roll Pins

“Everybody’s wearing them…everywhere! Necklines, on pockets, on lapels, on belts and on socks”

Vintage Rock and Roll 1950s Mini Clothes Pins for Collar or Bobby Socks

Now it’s not the clothes pins that amuse me (seen those a million times), it’s what the Rock n Roll pins suggest you do with them. You can wear them on your neckline, socks, lapel or wherever you deem fit. Clothing Pins as Clothing Accessories! Interesting, I have never heard of this trend or even seen it in pictures till now. In fact, my extensive research into wanting to learn more had me come up empty. No information on this anywhere.

February 2025 Update:

First up here a friend of mine found actual tiny clothing pins with fun mid-century advertising design (love the atomic look) and passed them onto me. Aren’t they adorable?

Secondly, I heard from a reader who shed some light on these pins. Here is what she said…

” Hi! it was an early rockabilly trend in the late fifties. It is mentioned in Rita Mae Brown’s novel Rubyfruit Jungle. This extract describes a junior high school in 1958 or so. “I didn’t mix with anybody. I knew I wasn’t rich but then I wasn’t walking around with little plastic clothespins on my collar like all the red-neck girls either.”

What’s interesting is that it was an affordable fashion statement, hence available to “poor” kids at the time. The boys are described as wearing ducktail hairstyles, and denim jackets adorned with bloody eyeballs drawings.”


1950s Fashion Trend-Clothing pins on clothes.

QUESTION TIME: So I’m throwing this out to you all-wise and awesome vintage friends, can you tell me more? Or will this forever just be a cool trend that will remain a mystery till the end of time? Share in the comments section below.

Liz 🙂

FURTHER READING: Vintage Fashions 1920s – 1960s (Archived Blog Posts)

Disclosure: Some of the links on my blog from Etsy , eBay, are Affiliate Links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. 

Love Is In The Air- Vintage Images of 1940s and 1950s Real Life Couples

Whether you hate Valentines day or just love the day I think we can all agree that looking at pictures of vintage couples in love is a fun way to pass the time (or maybe we can’t agree but for the sake of this post lets run with my thought lol).

Valentines day aside I really adore just looking at the beautiful fashion, hairstyles, locations of the pictures etc. so that is why I like to share these images with you. So with that, lets check out love 1940’s and 1950s style.

First up a cute photo to get us into Feb 14th mode (not a couple photo I know) with the actress Lynn Merrick.

1940s Valentines Day Pinup


Vintage Images of 1940s & 1950s Real Life Couples

A newly married couple in front of their very own “Garden of Love”, in 1952.

1940s couple posing in a photobooth together called "The Garden of Love". Super 1940s Fashions.


The below picture of 2 couples from the 1940s is really great. I love how wholesome the ladies look and how the men are giving the camera a “I’m a bit of a bad boy” stare. The bathing suit on the woman on the right is also really beautiful.

1940s vintage photo of 2 couple posing together in swimsuits and summer fashions on a picnic.


While looking thru all the pictures on Flickr I started to see a trend of pictures being taken on the beach. Lots and lots of couples on beaches, I guess because it is a romantic place to be 🙂

So here is another one from the 1940s! Aren’t they just adorable! Another cute bathing suit as well. Look at the cutout on the bottoms…fantastic!

1940s vintage photo of a couple at the beach on a beach blanket. The woman is wearing a two piece 1940s swimsuit.


Such a distinguished and nicely dressed 1940s couple, his socks are amazing! I just love how they clearly seem to be enjoying their conversation together.

1940s vintage photo of a couple arm in arm chatting on a bench. Super 1940s fashions and 1940s hairstyles.


You cannot have a group of couples without posting an image of teenagers in love. I love how he is totally focused on her and she is focused on the camera. I believe this is a 1950s photo.

1950s vintage photo of two teenagers in the back seat of a car cuddling together.


I was drawn to this 1940s picture because I love how they don’t care there is a camera and just continue to look at each other. Ahhh…

1940s vintage photo of a couple (man & woman) posing together in 1940s fashions beside a fountain.


Another young couple in love. They remind me of a Gap or J.Crew ad here.

1940s vintage photo of a couple in 1940s fashions and 1940s hairstyles holding each other in a field by a stream.


Now to end this mini series of couples, I’m sharing this awesome 1950s beach picture. The couple looks like they are having so much but the ladies in the background of the picture just made me giggle so much. Love it!

1950s vintage photo of a couple at the beach, with the woman being held by the man in 1950s swimsuits. Everyone is laughing.


For my valentine’s day my husband and I were hoping to get away for a long weekend away to somewhere warm (still really cold in Toronto) but instead we are going to do what we love to do together…. Beer and wings at a great BBQ joint. Talk about romance 😉

Whether you celebrate the day or don’t celebrate the day I want to wish everyone a Happy February 14th!

Further Reading: Make sure you visit my archive of Vintage Photo blog posts HERE & you can see PART 2 of HERE ==>> Love is in the Air: 1940s & 1950s Real-Life Couples Part 2
